New Podcast Episode: Business Success Outside The Broom Closet w/Tahverlee Anglen
Join Tahverlee Anglen and me as we discuss achieving business success outside the broom closet and working with deities for financial progress.
What I love about each episode is that I get to meet amazing people from different backgrounds and perspectives, and the common thread for everyone is that they want to help people succeed. Each episode of Business Lair also evolves - especially from a formatting perspective. You will see changes to our blog and podcast formatting for the sake of progress. At this time, the podcast has an every-two-week flow to make room for feedback and updates. Thank you for being a part of Business Lair.
Success Outside of The Broom Closet
Many metaphysical practitioners hold their knowledge and skillset close to their vest because of the fear of rejection and judgment until one day we say, “F- all that. I’m living my life.” Side Note: There are other reasons why people hold their knowledge close to their vests. In this episode, Tahverlee Anglen tells us about her decision to come out of the broom closet in her business life, the steps it took to get there, and how the new alignment impacted her experience. Listen to this clip for a taste of the episode.
Working With Deities for Financial Success
Working with deities isn’t discussed in the mainstream, and if we do see a discussion, the topic is riddled with jest and superstition. Tahverlee and I had a real conversation about the fears and best practices when working with deities. It’s not for everyone, but it’s always good to have an understanding of possibilities outside what is normal for you. Listen to this clip to hear a bit of our discussion.
Click here to listen to the full Business Lair episode of Business Success Outside The Broom Closet
This Episode’s Reading is for Money Lovers, Corporate Climbers and Entrepreneurs/Business Owners
Every Episode features a metaphysical bridge to our three community groups - money lovers, corporate climbers, and entrepreneurs. This bridge is a one-card tarot reading for the collective of each group. The cards pulled for this episode are below. To listen to the meaning behind the reading, tune in to the episode.
Visit Soul Trine for more information on personal readings.
Who is Tahverlee Anglen?
So you’ve heard her clips and if you didn’t already know her, you are probably curious about Tahverlee Anglen. Check out her bio below:
Tahverlee is a Priestess of the Wild, creating bold spaces to evolve our voices and consciousness. She walks with the blood of Athena in her veins, a conduit between the underworld and the cosmos, and she's here to guide your soul work.
As a High Priestess, Ritualist, Initiate of the Sacred Way, Initiate of the Eleusinian Rites, and a practitioner of the Tenants of the Celtic Mysteries, she works hand-in-hand with a wise circle of fellow guides.
Tahverlee is redefining the modern feminist icon. As an accomplished speaker, business expert, spiritual leader, social impact entrepreneur, podcast host, TikTok star, and someone who pushes the edge of society’s assumptions. She is the founder of WitchFest, the largest event of its kind where she encourages others to cut through the bindings that limit their own beliefs.
As a trusted leader who ignites the spiritual growth in others, Tahverlee helps people create their own realities and reclaim their sovereignty. She is continually redefining what it means to be a warrior, woman, healer, and a witch.
Connecting With Tahverlee
Featured Questions
If you have a question and won’t mind being featured in future episodes, use this link to leave us a message. Please remember your recording might appear on our next episode, so by leaving a message, you are agreeing to allow your message to be featured on the episode. Leave your question here.
Thank you for coming and listing to the Business Lair Podcast. Join our Coven Cloud community to engage with other metaphysical people who enjoy learning, exploring, and acting on ways to enhance their financial life through spirituality, magic, corporate climbing, and entrepreneurship.